Energy Healing Certification
Maintaining your Status as a Certified Lightworker
Maintaining Access and Proficiency. As with all professions, you must continue to take actions to maintain your status as a Certified Lightworker. The access into the Higher Dimensions and your proficiency with this healing art are what matter. The access disappears quickly if the Alignment and Characteristics are not maintained.
Our support system is designed to help you keep the Alignment, Characteristics, and therefore also the access. The Teachers of the Lightworkers Healing Method® and Lynn are here to support you in keeping your Higher Dimension access, and as a Certified Lightworker you will continue to receive their input. The other members of the teaching and mentoring team are also here to support you. As you join that team, you become able to help them in return. You become a part of this truly loving community, everyone supporting each other in moving forward on our eternal growth paths.
We understand that many organizations collect fees, issue certifications, and call it complete. That is fine; it is not for us to judge the lives or work of others. However, our own instructions from above are to have the Certified Lightworkers title mean that the Lightworker in question can consistently facilitate Lightworkers Healing Method® sessions that meet or exceed the requirements necessary to become certified.
We do not charge for the Certification Program itself, or for the listing on the website. When you are certified, we very strongly recommend you continue to come to classes in order to keep your alignment strong and their skills up, but as a Certified Lightworker you may act as a Teaching Assistant (TA). TA's do not pay tuition for reviewing the classes.
One of the reasons we structure our Certification Program in this way is so we can then operate in full integrity with our Certified Lightworkers. If you begin to struggle with your proficiency, we will offer help immediately. We recommend corrective actions that can be taken to regain the lost ground (see below). We can't force you to accept our help. However if your skills drop below standards and remain below standards until after the grace period expires, you have forfeited your Certification. We are ready once again to help you, at no cost, to regain your skills.
While our standards of Certification have not changed since the inception of our Certification Program, the Program's structure has evolved as we became aware of what works and what doesn't work in maintaining these standards. We continually look for ways to improve all our systems, and as a result you can expect the Certification Program to continue to evolve.

3D Physical Dimension Concrete Actions
The following actions have proven themselves necessary to maintain the Higher Dimension access and proficiency. These actions must be coupled with a willingness to stretch and grow beyond our comfort zones, and with the attitude of being an eternal student, always learning more.
Continue to Facilitate Lightworkers Healing Method® Sessions. Consider increasing the number of sessions you do; this is very helpful both to your well-being and to the skill set. Now that you are certified, it's appropriate to charge for these sessions.
Continue to be a Member of the Lightworkers Community. Being around others who have a vertical channels-UP focus makes it easier for you to maintain the Alignment and Characteristics. Come to the classes; participate in the volunteer organization that creates them. Remember we are all volunteers here, and volunteering happens at all levels. If finances are an issue, participation can cover the tuition costs for you. It's like being a grad student; your continuing education can be low cost or even free because you are helping to educate others. Certified Lightworkers can help by mentoring, as a Teaching Assistant (TA), or by volunteering in some other capacity. As long as your skills are strong this is not a formal requirement on our part, but we notice that this makes a significant difference in the success of our Certified Lightworkers as they work to maintain their access.
Mentor Others. In other words, continue to grow your skills as you help others gain theirs. By the time students get to this level, they want to continue on and to share the priceless gift that they have received. They want to pay it forward. The mentors universally express how much they have learned through the process of mentoring others.
Bi-Annual Proficiency Demonstrations
In order to create a sense of clarity and fairness around the process of maintaining Certification, we have formalized the requirement of demonstrating access at least once in every six-month period. Between January 1 and June 30, you must demonstrate proficiency at least once. Between July 1 and December 31, you must demonstrate proficiency at least once.
Demonstrations at No Cost. Typically, these demonstrations occur naturally when a Certified Lightworker continues as a member of the Lightworkers community. As Certified Lightworkers participate in the demonstrations and practice periods of the classes, Lynn, the TA's, and the other Certified Lightworkers have an opportunity to observe each other's performance and determine whether or not standards are still being met. As with all aspects of the Certification Program, there is no additional charge if these demonstrations occur in this natural way.
If during these assessments it is discovered your alignment, skills, access, or characteristics have slipped below standards, don't be discouraged! It can happen, but you can get it back! We are here to help you regain those skills. As always with all aspects of this Certification Program, we do not charge for that additional support as long as you are being coachable (defined in "Becoming a Certified Lightworker"). It is a gift that is freely given.
If you are not continuing in the community and do not wish to participate in classes (or have been banned from classes due to disruptive behaviors) but wish to maintain your Certification, you must still demonstrate proficiency. There are two options available.
Paid Option #1. You can schedule an appointment with Lynn or with a Certifying Mentor that Lynn designates. Standard rates would apply; you would pay whoever is taking his/her time to certify your proficiency. If the Certifying Mentor assesses you to be proficient in all the aspects of alignment, skills, and characteristics required for Certification, you maintain the designation for the next six months. See "Becoming a Certified Lightworker" for details of the requirements.
Paid Option #2. You can schedule an appointment to have your brain scanned by George Rozelle PhD, while you are facilitating a session. His standard rates would apply. There are five markers that indicate the Lightworkers alignment; Dr. Rozelle has identified one of those markers. If your brain scan passes Dr. Rozelle's assessment, you maintain the designation for the next six months.
Losing and Regaining Access and Proficiency
Dear friend, if you receive input that you are in danger of losing your Higher Dimension access and proficiency, please take it to heart and take the recommended corrective actions immediately. The longer we procrastinate, the deeper we dig our hole. We are here to help you. Most of us have "been there, done that." We know how it is to hear, "You had the access, you have lost the access, but you can get it back and I will help you." It stings, but if we accept it and take actions, we can get it back quickly. On the other hand, if we drop into the DDD (the Dilemma of Delusion and Denial) we can lose the access for a really long time.
My friend, if you are removed from the website's page of Certified Lightworkers, it is for one of two reasons. 1. You did not pass the demonstration, are not taking corrective actions, and the grace period has expired. 2.You have not chosen to demonstrate proficiency and in our assessment your proficiency does not meet standards, you are not taking corrective actions, and your grace period has expired. You will be given many opportunities before then to do what it takes, but this is a Free Will Universe and you must choose to act on those opportunities. If you continue to pass them by and your access continues to drop, eventually the time will come when your Certification is formally revoked.
If your Certification is formally revoked, you will be removed from the Certified Lightworker page and can no longer tell people you are a Certified Lightworker. You can tell them you WERE certified. You can tell them you have studied the Lightworkers Healing Method®. However unless your name is on the Certified Lightworker page, you are not currently certified and cannot use the designation of Certified Lightworker.
We ask that you be honest about your status. Don't mislead people. We are always here to help all of you gain or regain these skills. We do not charge for that process unless the person in question causes us to incur expenses such as legal fees, for example. Should that occur, the person in question must first reimburse us for any expenses s/he has caused our organization to incur.
Please be aware that "Certified Lightworker" is trademarked, and you may not use those words to describe your healing practice without our permission.
More to the point, if you lie to others, by the basics of the Law of Attraction and its flip-side the Law of Repulsion, you actually make it even harder for the Higher Dimension beings to work through you. Integrity is the first characteristic required for certification because it matters most. It's the honesty or lack thereof that matters. If you lose the access, tell the truth about your condition, and then you can try again.
My dear friend, even if you lose your access we still LOVE you deeply and truly. We are still here to help you to regain your access. All we ask is that you be coachable. You must once again submit case studies (which are likely to be in a different format than the basic case studies), come to classes, and do what it takes, but we will help you. If we don't resist and deny, it's much faster the second time through.
Dear friend, please don't let this overwhelm you. This is a LOVING process that supports people in achieving access at whatever level they wish to achieve, and to keep that access going. We never give up on anyone or anything, and the only way to fail is to quit. It's true: we are here for you, for the duration.
You can do it, you can! We will help you. It begins with being willing to acknowledge TRUTH, even when it is an inconvenient Truth. Acknowledging what the reality is empowers us to change it. We can do this, dear friends. By working together, each doing our part, the world transforms!