Discover Your Soul Plan with the Lightworks Healing Method Energy Healing Classes

NOTES: Please view here our petitions to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Our most recent letter is at the top, with older letters following below. Responses to our letters, if any, follow directly below it's petition. Or follow these links:
July 7, 2012
March 27, 2012


July 7, 2012
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Dear Tenzin,

Tashi Delek. It is good to connect with you again, my friend. Will you please do me the honor of reading this message?

I have been meditating about how to achieve my goal of all beings living their soul's plans; in other words, of all beings becoming Bodhisattvas. This is how the Earth can heal: for all beings to be living their soul's plans. In other words, for all beings to become Bodhisattvas. Fear and confusion eases tremendously when we are living our soul plans, which are the lives we as souls intend to live. Peace arises because these soul plans generally do not include harming ourselves, each other, and the world.

This is the message I teach: first, for people to accept responsibility for themselves, and to discover and live their soul's plan. Next, for people to accept responsibility for helping others also discover and live their soul's plans. And finally, to add a feeling of urgency to the process by setting a deadline.

Tenzin, the reality is that I am basically unknown. I have only been teaching locally up until now. I do not have credibility in the national and international community. While I am beginning to teach nationally inside of the USA, it will take time for me to develop the reputation needed for the world to listen to someone like me on a topic as confrontational as taking personal responsibility for helping the world.

This is why I must once again reach out to you, dear Tenzin. When I ask for guidance of WHO has the credibility to make a difference in the world, not later but NOW, the answer is always the same: His Holiness. When His Holiness speaks, people listen. Because His Holiness has his special place in the world, people will listen to him who would scoff at me.

Unlike me, His Holiness truly can change the world NOW by standing up in public and encouraging everyone to:

  1. Take personal responsibility for discovering and living their true path, their true purpose, the life their soul has planned for this particular incarnation. To become who they truly are. In other words, to become a Bodhisattva.
  2. Take personal responsibility for helping other people also discover and live their true purpose. In other words, for helping all beings become Bodhisattvas. In such a way, the entire Earth can come back into harmony and the destruction of our planet, other species, and of our own peace and happiness can stop. In such a way, we can all live in peace, joy, and harmony.
  3. Create a sense of urgency by adding a deadline. Take personal responsibility to have this effect on the world - all beings becoming Bodhisattvas - by a date certain, that is reasonably soon. January 17, 2017 is the date we here at the Lightworkers Healing Method are working toward. If his Holiness prefers another date, I gratefully honor whatever date he chooses to work toward. Most humbly I do request that the date be sooner rather than later since time is of the essence. The health of our entire planet hangs in the balance.

Dear Tenzin, I find I must once again make a personal request of you: will you help me in my quest to help all beings become Bodhisattvas, by 1/17/17? Will you somehow get this request through to His Holiness, personally? And my dear friend, are you willing to let me know if you receive this message and if you feel moved to carry out my request?

Thank you so very much for reading this all the way to the end. I am truly grateful.

With metta and light for your path - Lynn
BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be: The Lightworks Healing Method

No Reply was Received.

March 27, 2012
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Dear Tenzin,

Thank you so much for your gracious response. I see I have not communicated clearly, and for this I most humbly apologize. Please allow me to try once more.

The purpose of this book is to lead its readers to open themselves to their Spiritual purpose, to be who they came to Earth to be, to live the lives their souls came here to live, and to help others do the same. Since all of us, without exception, truly wish to be Bodhisattvas, the purpose of this book is to help all beings become Bodhisattvas.

When all beings become Bodhisattvas, our purpose is served. Another way of saying this is that the Divine Plan will have come to pass on Earth; the meaning is identical. This is my personal goal, and unless I am completely confused, it is also His Holiness' most deep and true desire.

There are two unusual elements of my commitment to help all beings become Bodhisattvas, which seem to be difficult for most people to believe but which are crucial to understand.

  1. I have made a personal commitment to do everything that is needed to help all beings become Bodhisattvas (Divine Plan come to pass on Earth). Shared responsibility does not work; everyone assumes someone else will do something to make it happen.

    Most people assume, for example, that it is surely up to His Holiness to have all beings become Bodhisattvas, not up to them as individuals. Therefore they do not put their full effort into all beings becoming Bodhisattvas; they simply "wish" for it. These wishes do, of course, help a tiny bit - but it is not the same as an all-out effort to do everything possible to lift all beings up into that enlightened state.

    Feel for yourself the difference this makes. Say, out loud, "May all beings become Bodhisattvas." Then say, out loud, "I accept personal responsibility for all beings becoming Bodhisattvas." The second is a much more powerful, and also much more frightening, statement.

  2. Because work expands to fill the time allowed, it is important to have a deadline. Feel for yourself the difference this second step makes. Say, out loud, "I accept personal responsibility for all beings becoming Bodhisattvas." Then say, out loud, "I accept personal responsibility for all beings becoming Bodhisattvas by January 17, 2017." I have no doubt that you will feel the difference in urgency created by this second step.

My dear friend, since I have accepted personal responsibility for all beings becoming Bodhisattvas by January 17, 2017, I am compelled to ask the Special Review Committee to reconsider their position. His Holiness is too important, too respected, too significant. I simply can't overlook how crucial his participation is. This is important.

Like me, His Holiness has already accepted personal responsibility for all beings becoming Bodhisattvas. That much is clear. What is the deadline he is working toward? If it is earlier than January 17, 2017 I will change my deadline to match his; I will join him in his own efforts. If, however, the date His Holiness is working toward is later than January 17, 2017 I am compelled to ask him, with deepest humility, if he will consider changing his deadline to match mine.

Will His Holiness commit to accepting personal responsibility for all beings becoming Bodhisattvas by January 17, 2017? Will he encourage others to do the same? And will he endorse BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be?

Since time is of the essence, we must go to press on April 15. There is not much time left for this important endorsement to occur. Dear Tenzin, it is now in your hands. Will you personally take this request back to the Special Review Committee and ask them to reconsider? Will you personally follow this request through the entire process until His Holiness' endorsement is complete? And, my dear friend, will you personally keep me posted?

light for your path - Lynn
BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be: The Lightworks Healing Method

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Lightworkers Healing Method®
Angelically Guided Energy Healing

The Lightworkers Healing Method® is a system of Angelically guided energy healing and a powerful spiritual growth vehicle with the exceptional goal of aligning us with our own soul's life purpose.

The Lightworkers Healing Method is an all-volunteer organization on a mission to help all beings live their own soul plans, creating lives of JOY in a world that works.

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